Oldest trees in the world are Olive trees
The oldest trees in the world are olive trees, and in particular the oldest living olive trees in the world are Lebanese. “Sisters or Noah’s olive trees” are 16 olive trees found in Bchaaleh, Lebanon, and are claimed to have biblical origins. Also called “Noah’s trees,” they are considered by locals to be a living miracle, as they are currently still producing extra virgin olive oil. These olive trees remain one of the great unsolved and virtually unexplored mysteries; common folklore and some biblical scholars believe that these are the trees from which the dove brought the branch back to Noah when the flood subsided. This is a plausible theory considering that during that great flood, when the entire Middle East was under water, Bchaaleh perched 1300 meters above sea level made them the tallest de facto olive trees ever planted from antiquity to our modern era.
I invite you, in these days when we are experiencing the risk of contagion in places closed by the coronavirus epidemic, to appreciate a healthy walk in the countryside, enjoy this beautiful sunshine, the scents of the earth, and if you happen to pass by these wonderful gifts of nature such as these trees, understand how generous our land is.